If you don't see that, you may have build.properties in the wrong place.

When you run 'solr-example' in debug mode, Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005 will be printed to STD out.

Once you have that working correctly, you want to attach to port 5005, not 8983. Solr runs on 8983, but the debugger is listening on 5005.

- Mark

noor wrote:
In netbeans, debugger-console output shows,

Attaching to localhost:8983
handshake failed - connection prematurally closed

i dont know where the problem is ?

Mark Miller wrote:
Do you see the following printed to std out when you start solr (using 'run-example')?

Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005

noor wrote:
Addition to the previous reply:
I built my custom project and put into solr webapps lib folder.
And starts running solr.
In netbeans, i made the changes as i said before.
But it shows connection refused error.

anybody please give me the solution...

noor wrote:
Solr starts running in the port 8983,
i created build.properties in the project folder, where the build.xml is.
And in that empty build.properties file,
i added,
And in Netbeans, Debug -> Attach Debugger,
- Debugger is JavaDebugger(JPDA);
- Connector is SocketAttach(Attaches by socket to other VMs)
- HOST is localhost;
- Port as 5005;
and Timeout is empty.

During solr running, i set this, but in the output screen shows "Connection is refused."

Is my changes are correct ??? or i need to change anything else...

thanks and regards,

Mark Miller wrote:
noor wrote:
hi, i am new to apache solr.
i got the solr source code, and i created my own (custom) classes.
Also, i make the request reference to that newly created classes in solr-config.xml.

now i need to debug my code, when the solr search calls my class..
So, for this, i dont know how to debug my code....?

Please anybody help me to achieve this.

thanks and regards,

Make a file next to build.xml called build.properties.

Add to the empty file: example.debug=true

Run the ant target 'run-example' in build.xml.

Solr will run with the ability to connect with a remote debugger on port 5005.

In Netbeans, from the main menu, select Debug > Attach Debugger... (In NetBeans 6.1 and older select Run > Attach Debugger...).

Follow the dialogue box prompts to connect to the running Solr example.

- Mark


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