Hi Paul,

I would say, you should use the copyField tag in the schema. eg:

<copyField source="sku" dest="text"/>

the text-field has to be difined as multivalued=true. When you now do an unqualified search, it will search every field, which is copied to the text-field.

with best regards,

Marco Westermann

Paul Tomblin schrieb:
I've got "<defaultSearchField>text</defaultSearchField>" and so if I
do an unqualified search it only finds in the field text.  If I want
to search title, I can do "title:foo", but what if I want to find if
the search term is in any field, or if it's in "text" or "title" or
"concept" or "keywords"?  I already tried "*:foo", but that throws an

Caused by: org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException:
org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: undefined field *
     [java]     at

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