
We recently began migrating a few of our applications from 1.3 to 1.4 in order to take advantage of the replication and performance improvements.

In practice however, we are noticing that our instances which make use of LocalSolr have experienced some performance degradation from 1.3 to 1.4. This mostly appears to be due to some dramatically different GC patterns between the two despite using the same JDK, data set, and GC parameters, and solr cache sizes.

LocalSolr: HEAD as of August 27
Solr: 1.4-DEV from 6/10/09
JDK:  Sun Hotspot 1.6.0_14

Has anyone else seen this type of behavior with Solr/LocalSolr queries?

Some graphs of our results (transactions per second) between both versions are available at the following link. While performance is relatively similar when using UseParallelGC rather than UseConcMarkSweepGC, we do still notice some relatively long pause times in 1.4 when compared with 1.3 during GC windows.


The queries run for this test make use of LocalSolr sorting and filtering based on distances between 2 sets of lat/long coordinates.

We are currently using LocalSolr HEAD with 6/10/09 revision of Solr 1.4. The reason we selected that revision was due to it being the revision that LocalSolr was last released against. We do however plan to spend some time this week testing newer builds of Solr 1.4 to see if similar behavior exists.


Ilan Rabinovitch

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