When you use a field qualifier(fieldName:valueToLookFor) it only applies to the word right after the semicolon. If you look at the debug infomation you will notice that for the second word it is using the default field.

<str name="parsedquery_toString">carDescription:austin *text*:martin</str>

the following should word:

carDescription:(austin martin)

On 10/02/2009 05:46 PM, darniz wrote:
This is not working when i search documents i have a document which contains
text aston martin

when i search carDescription:"austin martin" i get a match but when i dont
give double quotes

like carDescription:austin martin
there is no match

in the analyser if i give austin martin with out quotes, when it passes
through synonym filter it matches aston martin ,
may be by default analyser treats it as a phrase "austin martin" but when i
try to do a query by typing
carDescription:austin martin i get 0 documents. the following is the debug
node info with debugQuery=on

<str name="rawquerystring">carDescription:austin martin</str>
<str name="querystring">carDescription:austin martin</str>
<str name="parsedquery">carDescription:austin text:martin</str>
<str name="parsedquery_toString">carDescription:austin text:martin</str>

dont know why it breaks the word, may be its a desired behaviour
when i give carDescription:"austin martin" of course in this its able to map
to synonym and i get the desired result

Any opinion


Ensdorf Ken wrote:
i have a question regarding synonymfilter
i have a one way mapping defined
austin martin, astonmartin =>  aston martin

Can anybody please explain if my observation is correct. This is a very
critical aspect for my work.
That is correct - the synonym filter can recognize multi-token synonyms
from consecutive tokens in a stream.

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