What about my situation? 

My renderers need to query the index for fast access to layout and style info 
as I already described about 3 messages ago on this thread. Another scenario is 
having automatic queries triggered as my midi player iterates through the 
model. As the player encounters trigger tags it needs to make a query quickly 
so that the next notes played will have the context they are meant to have.

Basically, I need to know that issuing searches to a local index will not be 
slower than searching a hashmap or array. How different or similar will the 
performance be?


On 2010-05-26, at 9:41 AM, Walter Underwood wrote:

> On May 25, 2010, at 11:24 PM, Amit Nithian wrote:
>> 2) What are typical/accepted definitions of "Real Time" vs "Near Real Time"?
> Real time means that an update is available in the next query after it 
> commits. Near real time means that the delay is small, but not zero.
> This is within a single server. In a cluster, there will be some 
> communication delay. 
>> 3) I could understand POSTing a document to a server and then turning around
>> and searching for it on the same server but what about a replicated
>> environment and how do you prevent caches from being blown and constantly
>> re-warmed (hence performance degradation)?
> You need a different caching design, with transaction-aware caches that are 
> at a lower level, closer to the indexes.
> wunder
> --
> Walter Underwood
> Lead Engineer
> MarkLogic

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