: The other would be to somehow control the scores of each id. So a document
: with 2 ids matching should be worth more then the document with only 1 id
: matching (This is how it works now) but a document with 7 ids matching
: shouldn't be worth more, or at least not a lot more, then a document that
: matches only 3 ids (this is not how it works). 

this is all drive by the "coord factor" of the outermost BooleanQuery ... 
you can provide a custom Similarity class thta generates differnet values 
based on the field/number of clauses, or if you are already generating the 
BooleanQuery via custom code (ie: your own QParser or what not) you can 
override the SImilartiy there.

: The reason this would be ideal for us is that we don't have any control over
: how many ids will be in the query and we don't want documents that have lots
: of ids to have an unnatural advantage over those with just a few.

If you put 'omitNorms="false"' on the field in question, then the length 
normalization (which rewards shorter documents) should help offset this -- 
no custom code required.


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