I think Markus is spot-on given the fact that you have 2 days. Using a
string field is quickest.

However, if you absolutely MUST have functioning dates, there are three
options I can think of:
1> can you make your XSLT transform the dates? Confession; I'm XSLT-ignorant
2> use DIH and DateTransformer, see:
      you can walk a directory importing all the XML files with
<http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler#DateFormatTransformer>3> you
could write a program to do this manually.

But given the time constraints, I suspect your time would be better spent
doing the other stuff and just using string as per Markus. I have no clue
how SOLR-savvy you are, so pardon if this is something you already know. But
lots of people trip up over the "string" field type, which is NOT tokenized.
You usually want "text" unless it's some sort of ID.... So it might be worth
it to do some searching earlier rather than later <G>....


On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 12:34 PM, Markus Jelsma <markus.jel...@buyways.nl>wrote:

> No. The Datefield [1] will not accept it any other way. You could, however,
> fool your boss and dump your dates in an ordinary string field. But then you
> cannot use some of the nice date features.
> [1]:
> http://lucene.apache.org/solr/api/org/apache/solr/schema/DateField.html
> -----Original message-----
> From: Rico Lelina <rlel...@yahoo.com>
> Sent: Wed 08-09-2010 17:36
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org;
> Subject: How to import data with a different date format
> Hi,
> I am attempting to import some of our data into SOLR. I did it the quickest
> way
> I know because I literally only have 2 days to import the data and do some
> queries for a proof-of-concept.
> So I have this data in XML format and I wrote a short XSLT script to
> convert it
> to the format in solr/example/exampledocs (except I retained the element
> names
> so I had to modify schema.xml in the conf directory. So far so good -- the
> import works and I can search the data. One of my immediate problems is
> that
> there is a date field with the format MM/DD/YYYY. Looking at schema.xml, it
> seems SOLR accepts only full date fields -- everything seems to be
> mandatory
> including the Z for Zulu/UTC time according to the doc. Is there a way to
> specify the date format?
> Thanks very much.
> Rico

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