Yonik Seeley wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 8:31 PM, Ron Mayer <r...@0ape.com> wrote:
>> Short summary:
>>  * Mixing Facets and Shards give me a NullPointerException
>>    when not all docs have all facets.
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-2110
> I believe the underlying real issue stemmed from your use of a complex
> key "involvement/race_facet".

Thanks!    Yes - that looks like the actual reason, rather than what
I was guessing. I spent a while this morning trying to reproduce the
problem with a simpler example, and wasn't able to - probably because
I overlooked that part.

I see changes have been made (based on comments in) SOLR-2110 and
SOLR-2111, so I'll try with the current trunk......
     [trying now with trunk as of a few minutes ago]
....Looking much better.

I'm seeing this in the log files:
SEVERE: Exception during facet.field of 
pache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException: Expected identifier at pos 20 
but at least I'm getting results, and results that look right for both the body 
the document and for most of the facets.

Perhaps next thing I try will be simplifying my keys for my own sanity as much
as for solr's.

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