OK good to know I'm not going bonkers :)


On Sep 29, 2010, at 9:45 AM, Luke Crouch wrote:

> We had to do the same thing - we draw our facet navigation links by looping
> over the full result set from our database, and then we add the facet counts
> and draw the link url's using the solr data.
> -L
> On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Markus Jelsma 
> <markus.jel...@buyways.nl>wrote:
>> I'm afraid you'd have to add the missing countries in your application. If
>> it's not in the index, it will not be returned. You last question is
>> possible, the facet.query parameter allows you to rely on other conditions
>> to generate a facet count. But if the missing countries are not in the
>> index, you cannot query against them.
>> -----Original message-----
>> From: Allistair Crossley <a...@roxxor.co.uk>
>> Sent: Wed 29-09-2010 15:38
>> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org;
>> Subject: Missing facet values for zero counts
>> Hello list,
>> I am implementing a directory using Solr. The user is able to search with a
>> free-text query or 2 filters (provided as pick-lists) for country. A
>> directory entry only has one country.
>> I am using Solr facets for country and I use the facet counts generated
>> initially by a *:* search to generate my pick-list.
>> This is working fairly well but there are a couple of issues I am facing.
>> Specifically the countries pick-list does not contain ALL possible
>> countries. It only contains those that have been indexed against a document.
>> I have looked at facet.missing but I cannot see how this will work - if no
>> documents have a country of Sweden, then how would Solr know to generate a
>> missing total of zero for Sweden - it's never heard of it.
>> I feel I am missing something - is there a way by which you tell Solr all
>> possible countries rather than relying on counts generated from the index?
>> The countries in question reside in a database table belonging to our
>> application.
>> Thanks, Allistair

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