2010/11/1 Koji Sekiguchi <k...@r.email.ne.jp>:
> With solr example, using facet.field=text creates UnInvertedField
> for the text field in fieldValueCache. After that, I saw stats page
> and I was surprised at counters in *filterCache* were up:

> Do they cause of big words in UnInvertedField?

Yes.  "big" terms (defined as matching more than 5% of the index) are
not uninverted since it's more efficient (both CPU and memory) to use
the filterCache and calculate intersections.

> If so, when using both facet for multiValued field and facet for
> single valued field/facet query, it is difficult to estimate
> the size of filterCache.

Yep.  At least fieldValueCache (for UnInvertedField) tells you the
number of big terms in each field you are faceting on though.


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