
Thank you for your reply. I just wanted to share my surprise. :)


(10/11/01 23:17), Yonik Seeley wrote:
2010/11/1 Koji Sekiguchi<k...@r.email.ne.jp>:
With solr example, using facet.field=text creates UnInvertedField
for the text field in fieldValueCache. After that, I saw stats page
and I was surprised at counters in *filterCache* were up:

Do they cause of big words in UnInvertedField?

Yes.  "big" terms (defined as matching more than 5% of the index) are
not uninverted since it's more efficient (both CPU and memory) to use
the filterCache and calculate intersections.

If so, when using both facet for multiValued field and facet for
single valued field/facet query, it is difficult to estimate
the size of filterCache.

Yep.  At least fieldValueCache (for UnInvertedField) tells you the
number of big terms in each field you are faceting on though.


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