On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 12:33 AM, Jan Høydahl / Cominvent
<jan....@cominvent.com> wrote:
> Not sure about that. I have read that the replication handler actually issues 
> a commit() on itself once the index is downloaded.

That was true with the old replication scripts. The Java based
replication just re-opens the IndexReader after all the files are
downloaded so the index version on the slave remains in sync with the
one on the master.

> But probably a better way for Markus' case is to hook the prune job on the 
> master, writing to another core (myIndexPruned). Then you replicate from that 
> core instead, and you also get the benefit of transferring a smaller index 
> across the network.

I agree, that is a good idea.

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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