Solr is downstream of what I think you want. There's nothing in Solr
that allows you to take an arbitrary page and extract specific info
from it. I suspect the Nutch folks have dealt with this kind of question,
looking over the user's list there might give some insight.

Basically, once you have the page, you extract the information to
put into your structured Solr document, "extracting the information"
is the hard part and there's nothing built into Solr that I know of
that helps with that...


On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 10:42 PM, Mark <> wrote:

> Hi,
> First time poster here - I'm not entirely sure where I need to look for
> this
> information.
> What I'm trying to do is extract some (presumably) structured information
> from non-uniform data (eg, prices from a nutch crawl) that needs to show in
> search queries, and I've come up against a wall.
> I've been unable to figure out where is the best place to begin.
> I had a look through the solr wiki and did a search via Lucid's search tool
> and I'm guessing this is handled at index time through my schema? But I've
> also seen dismax being thrown around as a possible solution and this has
> confused me.
> Basically, if you guys could point me in the right direction for resources
> (even as much as saying, you need X, it's over there) that would be a huge
> help.
> Cheers
> Mark

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