
Nice job of including relevant details, by the way. Unfortunately I'm
puzzled too. Your SectionName is a "string" type, so it should
be placed in the index as-is. Be a bit cautious about looking at
returned results (as I see in one of your xml files) because the returned
values are the verbatim, stored field NOT what's tokenized, and the
tokenized data is what's searched..

That said, you SectionName should not be tokenized at all because
it's a string type. Take a look at the admin page, "schema browser" and
see what values for "SectionName" look (these will be the tokenized
values". They should be exactly
Programas_Name, complete with underscore, case changes, etc. Is that
the case?

Another place that might help is the admin/analysis page. Check the debug
boxes and input your steps and it'll show you what the transformations
are applied. But a quick look leaves me completely baffled.

Sorry I can't be more help

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Ezequiel Calderara <ezech...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all, I have the following problems.
> I have this set of data (View data (Pastebin) <
> http://pastebin.com/jKbUhjVS>
> )
> If i do a search for: *SectionName:Programas_Home* i have no results:
> Returned
> Data (PasteBin) <http://pastebin.com/wnPdHqBm>
> If i do a search for: *Programas_Home* i have only 1 result: Result
> Returned
> (Pastebin) <http://pastebin.com/fMZkLvYK>
> if i do a search for: SectionName:Programa* i have 1 result: Result
> Returned
> (Pastebin) <http://pastebin.com/kLLnVp4b>
> This is my *schema* <http://pastebin.com/PQM8uap4> (Pastebin) and this is
> my
> *solrconfig* <http://%3c/?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>>(PasteBin)
> I don't understand why when searching for "SectionName:Programas_Home"
> isn't
> returning any results at all...
> Can someone send some light on this?
> --
> ______
> Ezequiel.
> Http://www.ironicnet.com

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