>>Your setting isn't being applied to the reader IW uses during
>>merging... its only for readers Solr opens from directories
>>I think you should open a jira issue!

Do I understand correctly that this setting in theory could be applied to the 
reader IW uses during merging but is not currently being applied?   

<indexReaderFactory name="IndexReaderFactory" 
    <int name="termInfosIndexDivisor">8</int>
  </indexReaderFactory >

I understand the tradeoffs for doing this during searching, but not the 
trade-offs for doing this during merging.  Is the use during merging the 
similar to the use during searching? 

 i.e. Some process has to look up data for a particular term as opposed to 
having to iterate through all the terms?  
 (Haven't yet dug into the merging/indexing code).   


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Muir [mailto:rcm...@gmail.com] 

> We are setting  termInfosIndexDivisor, which I think translates to the Lucene 
> IndexWriter.setReaderTermsIndexDivisor

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