Solr will handle lots of cores, but that page is talking about lots.

But I question why you *require* many different indexes. It's perfectly
to store different fields in different documents in the *same* index, unlike
a table in an RDBMS.

There are good reasons to have separate cores, including isolating one
data from all others, so I'm not saying that you should necessarily put
into a single core....

And even using lots of cores can be made to work if you don't pre-warm
cores, assuming that the response time when using "cold searchers" is


On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:41 AM, Joscha Feth <> wrote:

> Hello Solrs,
> I am looking into using Solr, but my intended usage would require having
> many different indexes which are not connected (e.g some index-tenancy with
> one or multiple indexes per user).
> I understand that creating independent indexes in Solr happens by creating
> Solr cores via CoreAdmin.
> I came across this document: which
> basically tells me that having many indexes is not an intended use for
> Solr.
> Is this also true for SolrCloud (
> If yes, about what upper limit of indexes are we talking about here? Tens?
> Hundreds? Thousands?
> Thank you very much!
> Regards,
> Joscha Feth

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