Hello Erick,

Thanks for your answer!

But I question why you *require* many different indexes. [...] including
> isolating one
> users'
> data from all others, [...]

Yes, thats exactly what I am after - I need to make sure that indexes don't
mix, as every user shall only be able to query his own data (index).

And even using lots of cores can be made to work if you don't pre-warm
> newly-opened
> cores, assuming that the response time when using "cold searchers" is
> adequate.

Could you explain that further or point me to some documentation? Are you
talking about: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CoreAdmin#UNLOAD? if yes, LOAD
does not seem to be implemented, yet. Or has this something to do with
http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrCaching#autowarmCount only? About what time
per X documents are we talking here for delay if auto warming is disabled?
Is there more documentation about this setting?

Kind regards,

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