I haven't figured out any way to achieve that AT ALL without making a seperate Solr index just to serve autosuggest queries. At least when you want to auto-suggest on a multi-value field. Someone posted a crazy tricky way to do it with a single-valued field a while ago. If you can/are willing to make a seperate Solr index with a schema set up for auto-suggest specifically, it's easy. But from an existing schema, where you want to auto-suggest just based on the values in one field, it's a multi-valued field, and you want to allow matches in the middle of the field -- I don't think there's a way to do it.

On 1/25/2011 3:03 PM, johnnyisrael wrote:
Hi Eric,

What I want here is, lets say I have 3 documents like

["pineapple vers apple", "milk with apple", "apple milk shake" ]

and If i search for "apple", it should return only "apple milk shake"
because that term alone starts with the letter "apple" which I typed in. It
should not bring others and if I type "milk" it should return only "milk
with apple"

I want an output Similar like a Google auto suggest.

Is there a way to achieve  this without encapsulating with double quotes.



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