
just because i'm interested in .. what are your concerns about using
cron for that?


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Renaud Delbru <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We would like to trigger an optimise every x hours. From what I can see,
> there is nothing in Solr (3.1-SNAPSHOT) that enables to do such a thing.
> We have a master-slave configuration. The masters are tuned for fast
> indexing (large merge factor). However, for the moment, the master index is
> replicated as it is to the slaves, and therefore it does not provide very
> fast query time.
> Our idea was
> - to configure the replication so that it only happens after an optimise,
> and
> - schedule a partial optimise in order to reduce the number of segments
> every x hours for faster querying.
> We do not want to rely on cron job for executing the partial optimise every
> x hours, but we would prefer to configure this directly within the solr
> config.
> Our first idea was to create a SolrEventListener, that will be postCommit
> triggered, and that will be in charge of executing an optimise at regular
> time interval. Is this a good approach ? Or is there other solutions to
> achieve this ?
> Thanks,
> --
> Renaud Delbru

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