Um, normally that would never happen, because, well, like you say, the inverted index doesn't have docC for term K1, because doc C didn't include term K1.

If you search on q=K1, then how/why would docC ever be in your result set? Are you seeing it in your result set? The question then would be _why_, what weird thing is going on to make that happen, that's not expected.

The result set _starts_ from only the documents that actually include the term. Boosting/relevancy ranking only effects what order these documents appear in, but there's no reason documentC should be in the result set at all in your case of q=k1, where docC is not indexed under k1.

On 6/7/2011 2:35 AM, Gabriele Kahlout wrote:
Sorry being unclear and thank you for answering.
Consider the following documents A(k0,k1,k2), B(k1,k2,k3), and C(k0,k2,k3),
where A,B,C are document identifiers and the ks in bracket with each are the
terms each contains.
So Solr inverted index should be something like:

k0 -->  A | C
k1 -->  A | B
k2 -->  A | B | C
k3 -->  B | C

Now let q=k1, how do I make sure C doesn't appear as a result since it
doesn't contain any occurence of k1?

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