You are right, Lucene will return based on my scoring function
implementation (Similarity

score(q,d)   =
∑  ( tf(t in 
2  ·  
It can be seen that whenever tf(t in d) =0 the whole score will be 0, so as
you say C will never be returned.

My issue is when the query has multiple terms (my example was too simple!),
and some are 'mandatory' while others not. In that case I should make a
query that uses the
I'm unsure I'll get the syntax right, but let's say k1 is mandatory and and
k2 and k3 are optional, then q=k2 k3 +k1. I see that queries made through
solrj are received with + in place of the " " (default to OR), so

On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 5:23 PM, Jonathan Rochkind <> wrote:

> Um, normally that would never happen, because, well, like you say, the
> inverted index doesn't have docC for term K1, because doc C didn't include
> term K1.
> If you search on q=K1, then how/why would docC ever be in your result set?
>  Are you seeing it in your result set? The question then would be _why_,
> what weird thing is going on to make that happen,  that's not expected.
> The result set _starts_ from only the documents that actually include the
> term.  Boosting/relevancy ranking only effects what order these documents
> appear in, but there's no reason documentC should be in the result set at
> all in your case of q=k1, where docC is not indexed under k1.
> On 6/7/2011 2:35 AM, Gabriele Kahlout wrote:
>> Sorry being unclear and thank you for answering.
>> Consider the following documents A(k0,k1,k2), B(k1,k2,k3), and
>> C(k0,k2,k3),
>> where A,B,C are document identifiers and the ks in bracket with each are
>> the
>> terms each contains.
>> So Solr inverted index should be something like:
>> k0 -->  A | C
>> k1 -->  A | B
>> k2 -->  A | B | C
>> k3 -->  B | C
>> Now let q=k1, how do I make sure C doesn't appear as a result since it
>> doesn't contain any occurence of k1?

K. Gabriele

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