> OK, I think see what you're up to. Might be pretty viable
> for me as well.
> Can you talk about anything in your mappings.txt files that
> is an
> important part of the solution?

It is not important. I just copied it. Plus html strip char filter does not 
have mappings parameter. It was a copy paste mistake.
> Also, isn't there another piece? Don't you need to force it
> to return the
> whole document, rather than its usual context chunks? 

Yes you are right.  &hl.fragsize=0 is needed.

> We have another requirement I forgot to mention, about
> wanting to
> associate a sequence number with each hit, but I imagine I
> can deal with
> that by putting some sort of identifiable char sequence in
> a custom prefix
> for the highlighting, then replacing that with a sequence
> number in
> postprocessing.
> I'm also wondering about the performance of this approach
> with large
> documents, vs. something like what Ludovic is talking
> about, where you
> would just get positions back from Solr, and fetch the
> document separately
> from a filestore.

Highlighting large documents takes time. Storing termVectors can be used to 
speedup. I don't know the answer to performance comparison. Perhaps someone 
familiar with highlighting can answer this. 

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