
I am trying to add UIMA module in to Solr..and began with the readme file
given here.

I am confused about some points in the readme file and hence the email.

2. modify your schema.xml adding the fields you want to be hold
metadata specifying proper values for type, indexed, stored and
multiValued options:

-I understood this line as: adding to my schema.xml, the new fields that
will come as a result of a UIMA pipeline. For example, in my UIMA pipeline,
post-processing, I get fields A,B,C in addition to fields X,Y,Z that I
already added to the SolrInputDocument. So, does this mean I should add
A,B,C to the schema.xml?

3. In SolrConfig.xml,



if iam not using any of those "alchemy api key..." etc, I think I can remove
those lines. However, I plan to use the openNLP tagger & tokenizer, and an
annotator I wrote for my task. Can I give my model file locations here as

4. I did not understand what "fieldMapping" tag does. The description said:
"field mapping describes which features of which types should go in a
- For example, in this snippet from the link:

 <type name="org.apache.uima.alchemy.ts.concept.ConceptFS">
       <map feature="text" field="concept"/>

-what does "feature" mean and what does "field" mean?

I did not understand the fieldmapping tag right and did not find any help in
previous mails. Hence, mailing the group. Sorry for the long mail!

Sowmya V.B.
Losing optimism is blasphemy!

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