Hi Koji

Thanks. I have checked out the code and began looking at it. The code
examples gave me an idea of what to do,though I am not fully clear, since
there are no comments there, to verify my understanding. Hence, mailing
again for clarification.

In NamedEntity.java, you add two fields "name", "entity", to the index, via
this processing pipeline "next"?
the methods setName() and setEntity() - add two fields "name", "entity", to
the index?

If so, how should I specify this in the solrconfig.xml's <fieldMappings>

<lst name="type">
            <str name="name">next.NamedEntity</str>
            <lst name="mapping">
              <str name="feature">name</str>
              <str name="field">namefield</str> (where namefield is
the field I declared in schema.xml, say)
          <lst name="type">
            <str name="name">next.NamedEntity</str>
            <lst name="mapping">
              <str name="feature">entity</str>
              <str name="field">entityfield</str> (where entityfield
is the field I declared in schema.xml, say)

- Is this the right way to go? Can I declare 2 mappings which relate to the
same class (next.NamedEntity, in this case)?

I am sorry for repeated mails...but its a bit confusing, because there is no
README file.
Thankyou once again!


On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Koji Sekiguchi <k...@r.email.ne.jp> wrote:

> (11/07/08 16:19), Sowmya V.B. wrote:
>> Hi Koji
>> Thanks for the mail.
>> Thanks for all the clarifications. I am now using the version 3.3.. But,
>> another query that I have about this is:
>> How can I add an annotator that I wrote myself, in to Solr-UIMA?
>> Here is what I did before I moved to Solr:
>> I wrote an annotator (which worked when I used plain vanilla lucene based
>> indexer), which enriched the document with more fields (Some statistics
>> about the document...all fields added were numeric fields). Those fields
>> were added to the index by extending *JCasAnnotator_ImplBase* class.
>> But, in Solr-UIMA, I am not exactly clear on where the above setup fits
>> in.
>> I thought I would get an idea looking at the annotators that came with the
>> UIMA integration of Solr, but their source was not available. So, I do not
>> understand how to actually integrate my own annotator in to UIMA.
> Hi Sowmya,
> Please look at an example UIMA annotators that can be deployed on Solr-UIMA
> environment:
> http://code.google.com/p/**rondhuit-uima/<http://code.google.com/p/rondhuit-uima/>
> It comes with source code.
> koji
> --
> http://www.rondhuit.com/en/

Sowmya V.B.
Losing optimism is blasphemy!

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