
I just added the fields which are added to the index by one of the
annotators to the index, in the fieldmappings section. I am not getting any
compilation errors and still see the admin interface. However, when I index,
i just get a SolrException,

org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Bad Request.

On the server log, I don't see anything except for this: - - [11/Jul/2011:17:44:04 +0200]  "POST
/apache-solr-3.3.0/update/javabin?wt=javabin&version=2 HTTP/1.1" 400 1328

Here is my UpdateRequestProcessorChain in sorlconfig.xml (Just changed the
original path names for privacy's sake!)

    <!-- An update request processor chain for UIMA   -->
<updateRequestProcessorChain name="uima">
      <lst name="uimaConfig">
        <lst name="runtimeParameters">
        <!-- Add here, the runtime parameters like Model File paths, list
file paths etc. -->
         <str name="AcceptedLanguages">english</str>
            <str name="SetLanguageOnEmptyAcceptList">false</str>

        <!-- Set to true if you want to continue indexing even if text
processing fails.
             Default is false. That is, Solr throws RuntimeException and
             never indexed documents entirely in your session. -->
           <bool name="ignoreErrors">false</bool>
        <!-- This is optional. It is used for logging when text processing
             If logField is not specified, uniqueKey will be used as
        <str name="logField">id</str>
        <lst name="analyzeFields">
          <bool name="merge">false</bool>
          <arr name="fields">


            <type name = "org.apache.uima.annotators.vocablistClassfier">
                <map feature="Generic_Level5" field="Generic_Level5" />
                <map feature="Generic_Level6" field="Generic_Level6" />
                <map feature="Generic_Level7" field="Generic_Level7" />
                <map feature="Generic_Level8" field="Generic_Level8" />
                <map feature="Generic_Level9" field="Generic_Level9" />
                <map feature="Generic_Level10" field="Generic_Level10" />
                <map feature="Generic_Level11" field="Generic_Level11" />
                <map feature="Generic_Ratio" field="Generic_Ratio" />
                <map feature="Generic_TotalWordCount"
field="Generic_TotalWordCount" />

    <processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory" />
    <processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />

I don't understand where exactly can I see a more detailed log of why its
not getting indexed.


On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 5:26 PM, Koji Sekiguchi <k...@r.email.ne.jp> wrote:

> disclaimer: I'm not an expert of UIMA. I've just started using it when Solr
> 3.1
> integrated UIMA!
>  Thanks for the clarification. Now, I get it.
>> Should<fieldMapping>  section mention all the annotators, even if the
>> annotators do not add any new fields?
>  For example, if I have a pipeline, starting from "parser", "tokenizer" and
>> "tagger", all of them operate on a field called "text"..which is the<html>
>> of the document. but all these annotators do not add any new fields to the
>> index. Should I still write fieldmappings for these annotators inside
>> SolrConfig.?
> I don't think so. Try it and if you got errors, come back to this list!
> koji
> --
> http://www.rondhuit.com/en/

Sowmya V.B.
Losing optimism is blasphemy!

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