If you are talking about indexed shapes, then there is an attribute on the 
field type definition in your schema called "distErrPct".  Reasonable values 
are between .01 and .20, in my opinion.  The default is .025, but try setting 
it to .01.  For points, use the "maxDetailKm" parameter, which is the kilometer 
detail level.  By default, that parameter is .001 -- 1 meter.

If you are talking about your query shape, then this same parameter can be 
supplied as a request parameter.  Again, the default is .025. The 
RecursiveGridFieldType can handle infinite query side precision, so you can 
supply 0 and still get reasonable performance. However if your indexing side is 
a certain precision, then there's little point in using more precision on the 
query side since in-effect it's as accurate as your index side.

If you're wondering more about the meaning of distErrPct, see this snippet from 
   * The fraction of the distance from the center of the query shape to its 
nearest edge that is considered acceptable
   * error. The algorithm for computing the distance to the nearest edge is 
actually a little different. It normalizes
   * the shape to a square given it's bounding box area:
   * <pre>sqrt(shape.bbox.area)/2</pre>
   * And the error distance is beyond the shape such that the shape is a 
minimum shape.
  public Double getDistPrecision() {

~ David

On Jul 20, 2011, at 5:44 PM, Jamie Johnson wrote:

> Thanks David.  When trying to execute queries on a complex irregular
> polygon (say the shape of NJ) I'm getting results which are actually
> outside of that polygon. Is there a setting which controls this
> resolution?
> On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 2:53 PM, Smiley, David W. <dsmi...@mitre.org> wrote:
>> The notion of a "system property" is a java concept; google it and you'll 
>> learn more.
>> BTW, despite my responsiveness in helping right now; I'm pretty busy this 
>> week so this won't necessarily last long.
>> ~ David
>> On Jul 20, 2011, at 2:43 PM, Jamie Johnson wrote:
>>> Where do you set that?
>>> On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 2:37 PM, Smiley, David W. <dsmi...@mitre.org> wrote:
>>>> You can set the system property SpatialContextProvider to 
>>>> com.googlecode.lucene.spatial.base.context.JtsSpatialContext
>>>> ~ David
>>>> On Jul 20, 2011, at 2:02 PM, Jamie Johnson wrote:
>>>>> So I've pulled the latest and can run the example, I've tried to move
>>>>> my config over and am having a bit of an issue when executing queries,
>>>>> specifically I get this:
>>>>> Unable to read: POLYGON((...
>>>>> looking at the code it's usign the simple spatial context, how do I
>>>>> specify JtsSpatialContext?
>>>>> On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 12:13 PM, Jamie Johnson <jej2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for the update David, I'll give that a try now.
>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Smiley, David W. <dsmi...@mitre.org> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ryan just updated LSP for Lucene/Solr trunk compatibility so you should 
>>>>>>> do a "mvn clean install" and you'll be back in business.
>>>>>>> On Jul 20, 2011, at 10:37 AM, Jamie Johnson wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks for responding so quickly, I don't mind waiting a bit.  I'll
>>>>>>>> hang out until the updates have been  made.  Thanks again.
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Smiley, David W. <dsmi...@mitre.org> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Jamie.
>>>>>>>>> I work on LSP; it can index polygons and query for them. Although the 
>>>>>>>>> capability is there, we have more testing & benchmarking to do, and 
>>>>>>>>> then we need to put together a tutorial to explain how to use it at 
>>>>>>>>> the Solr layer.  I recently cleaned up the READMEs a bit.  Try 
>>>>>>>>> downloading the trunk codebase, and follow the README.  It points to 
>>>>>>>>> another README which shows off a demo webapp.  At the conclusion of 
>>>>>>>>> this, you'll need to examine the tests and webapp a bit to figure out 
>>>>>>>>> how to apply it in your app.  We don't yet have a tutorial as the 
>>>>>>>>> framework has been in flux  although it has stabilized a good deal.
>>>>>>>>> Oh... by the way, this works off of Lucene/Solr trunk.  Within the 
>>>>>>>>> past week there was a major change to trunk and LSP won't compile 
>>>>>>>>> until we make updates.  Either Ryan McKinley or I will get to that by 
>>>>>>>>> the end of the week.  So unless you have access to 2-week old maven 
>>>>>>>>> artifacts of Lucene/Solr, you're stuck right now.
>>>>>>>>> ~ David Smiley
>>>>>>>>> Author: http://www.packtpub.com/solr-1-4-enterprise-search-server/
>>>>>>>>> On Jul 19, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Jamie Johnson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I have looked at the code being shared on the
>>>>>>>>>> lucene-spatial-playground and was wondering if anyone could provide
>>>>>>>>>> some details as to its state.  Specifically I'm looking to add
>>>>>>>>>> geospatial support to my application based on a user provided 
>>>>>>>>>> polygon,
>>>>>>>>>> is this currently possible using this extension?

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