On 7/26/2011 6:26 PM, Michael Sokolov wrote:
It's not clear to me (from the wiki, or the jira issue) whether the compatibility break goes both ways - maybe I should just try and see, but just to get this out there on the list: is the 3.X javabin client able to talk to 1.4 servers? If so, then there is a nicely decoupled upgrade path: get all your clients upgraded, then the servers.

If you change things so it's using an XML response parser instead of javabin, they will communicate just fine, as long you don't try to use features not supported by one end or the other. If you leave it at the default (javabin), they will not communicate.

I was pointed at the following code snippet by someone, either here or on the IRC channel. Our development team was able to take the information and make it work. We are currently using SolrJ version 1.4.0 against Solr 3.2.0 with no problem. It should also work the other way, with a new SolrJ and an old Solr. Once both of them are upgraded to at least 3.1, you can go back to javabin for efficiency.

new CommonsHttpSolrServer(new URL("http://solr1.4.0Instance:8080/solr";), null, new XMLResponseParser(), false);

I haven't actually looked at our Java code to see what's been done, and my Java experience is limited. I hope this helps you!


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