On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 8:55 PM, Chris Hostetter
<hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:
> : I understand that's a valid thing for faceting to do, I was just wondering
> : if there's any way to get it to do the faceting on the groups returned.
> : Otherwise I guess I'll need to convince the UI people to just show the
> : facets without the numbers.
> what you are asking about is generally refered to as "post-group faceting"
> and can be activated using "group.truncate"...

We don't have true "post group faceting" currently (i.e. where the
units for facet counts would be numbers of groups, not numbers of
group.truncate just truncates the list of documents in each group, and
faceting still returns numbers of documents, not numbers of groups.
This is why I advocated the name group.truncate instead of
group.after, and have avoided any mention of "post grouping" on the
wiki page.


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