Thanks for the quick response.  With that change (have not done
numShards yet) shard1 got updated.  But now when executing the
following queries I get information back from both, which doesn't seem

<doc><str name="key">1</str><str name="content_mvtxt">updated value</str></doc>

<doc><str name="key">1</str><str name="content_mvtxt">updated value</str></doc>

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 10:21 PM, Mark Miller <> wrote:
> Hmm...sorry bout that - so my first guess is that right now we are not 
> distributing a commit (easy to add, just have not done it).
> Right now I explicitly commit on each server for tests.
> Can you try explicitly committing on server1 after updating the doc on server 
> 2?
> I can start distributing commits tomorrow - been meaning to do it for my own 
> convenience anyhow.
> Also, you want to pass the sys property numShards=1 on startup. I think it 
> defaults to 3. That will give you one leader and one replica.
> - Mark
> On Dec 1, 2011, at 9:56 PM, Jamie Johnson wrote:
>> So I couldn't resist, I attempted to do this tonight, I used the
>> solrconfig you mentioned (as is, no modifications), I setup a 2 shard
>> cluster in collection1, I sent 1 doc to 1 of the shards, updated it
>> and sent the update to the other.  I don't see the modifications
>> though I only see the original document.  The following is the test
>> public void update() throws Exception {
>>               String key = "1";
>>               SolrInputDocument solrDoc = new SolrInputDocument();
>>               solrDoc.setField("key", key);
>>               solrDoc.addField("content", "initial value");
>>               SolrServer server = servers
>>                               .get("http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1";);
>>               server.add(solrDoc);
>>               server.commit();
>>               solrDoc = new SolrInputDocument();
>>               solrDoc.addField("key", key);
>>               solrDoc.addField("content", "updated value");
>>               server = servers.get("http://localhost:7574/solr/collection1";);
>>               UpdateRequest ureq = new UpdateRequest();
>>               ureq.setParam("update.chain", "distrib-update-chain");
>>               ureq.add(solrDoc);
>>               ureq.setParam("shards",
>> "localhost:8983/solr/collection1,localhost:7574/solr/collection1");
>>               ureq.setParam("self", "foo");
>>               ureq.setAction(ACTION.COMMIT, true, true);
>>               server.request(ureq);
>>               System.out.println("done");
>>       }
>> key is my unique field in schema.xml
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 8:51 PM, Jamie Johnson <> wrote:
>>> Yes, the ZK method seems much more flexible.  Adding a new shard would
>>> be simply updating the range assignments in ZK.  Where is this
>>> currently on the list of things to accomplish?  I don't have time to
>>> work on this now, but if you (or anyone) could provide direction I'd
>>> be willing to work on this when I had spare time.  I guess a JIRA
>>> detailing where/how to do this could help.  Not sure if the design has
>>> been thought out that far though.
>>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 8:15 PM, Mark Miller <> wrote:
>>>> Right now lets say you have one shard - everything there hashes to range X.
>>>> Now you want to split that shard with an Index Splitter.
>>>> You divide range X in two - giving you two ranges - then you start 
>>>> splitting. This is where the current Splitter needs a little modification. 
>>>> You decide which doc should go into which new index by rehashing each doc 
>>>> id in the index you are splitting - if its hash is greater than X/2, it 
>>>> goes into index1 - if its less, index2. I think there are a couple current 
>>>> Splitter impls, but one of them does something like, give me an id - now 
>>>> if the id's in the index are above that id, goto index1, if below, index2. 
>>>> We need to instead do a quick hash rather than simple id compare.
>>>> Why do you need to do this on every shard?
>>>> The other part we need that we dont have is to store hash range 
>>>> assignments in zookeeper - we don't do that yet because it's not needed 
>>>> yet. Instead we currently just simply calculate that on the fly (too often 
>>>> at the moment - on every request :) I intend to fix that of course).
>>>> At the start, zk would say, for range X, goto this shard. After the split, 
>>>> it would say, for range less than X/2 goto the old node, for range greater 
>>>> than X/2 goto the new node.
>>>> - Mark
>>>> On Dec 1, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Jamie Johnson wrote:
>>>>> hmmm.....This doesn't sound like the hashing algorithm that's on the
>>>>> branch, right?  The algorithm you're mentioning sounds like there is
>>>>> some logic which is able to tell that a particular range should be
>>>>> distributed between 2 shards instead of 1.  So seems like a trade off
>>>>> between repartitioning the entire index (on every shard) and having a
>>>>> custom hashing algorithm which is able to handle the situation where 2
>>>>> or more shards map to a particular range.
>>>>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 7:34 PM, Mark Miller <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Dec 1, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Jamie Johnson wrote:
>>>>>>> I am not familiar with the index splitter that is in contrib, but I'll
>>>>>>> take a look at it soon.  So the process sounds like it would be to run
>>>>>>> this on all of the current shards indexes based on the hash algorithm.
>>>>>> Not something I've thought deeply about myself yet, but I think the idea 
>>>>>> would be to split as many as you felt you needed to.
>>>>>> If you wanted to keep the full balance always, this would mean splitting 
>>>>>> every shard at once, yes. But this depends on how many boxes 
>>>>>> (partitions) you are willing/able to add at a time.
>>>>>> You might just split one index to start - now it's hash range would be 
>>>>>> handled by two shards instead of one (if you have 3 replicas per shard, 
>>>>>> this would mean adding 3 more boxes). When you needed to expand again, 
>>>>>> you would split another index that was still handling its full starting 
>>>>>> range. As you grow, once you split every original index, you'd start 
>>>>>> again, splitting one of the now half ranges.
>>>>>>> Is there also an index merger in contrib which could be used to merge
>>>>>>> indexes?  I'm assuming this would be the process?
>>>>>> You can merge with IndexWriter.addIndexes (Solr also has an admin 
>>>>>> command that can do this). But I'm not sure where this fits in?
>>>>>> - Mark
>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 7:18 PM, Mark Miller <> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Not yet - we don't plan on working on this until a lot of other stuff 
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> working solid at this point. But someone else could jump in!
>>>>>>>> There are a couple ways to go about it that I know of:
>>>>>>>> A more long term solution may be to start using micro shards - each 
>>>>>>>> index
>>>>>>>> starts as multiple indexes. This makes it pretty fast to move mirco 
>>>>>>>> shards
>>>>>>>> around as you decide to change partitions. It's also less flexible as 
>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> are limited by the number of micro shards you start with.
>>>>>>>> A more simple and likely first step is to use an index splitter . We
>>>>>>>> already have one in lucene contrib - we would just need to modify it so
>>>>>>>> that it splits based on the hash of the document id. This is super
>>>>>>>> flexible, but splitting will obviously take a little while on a huge 
>>>>>>>> index.
>>>>>>>> The current index splitter is a multi pass splitter - good enough to 
>>>>>>>> start
>>>>>>>> with, but most files under codec control these days, we may be able to 
>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>> a single pass splitter soon as well.
>>>>>>>> Eventually you could imagine using both options - micro shards that 
>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>> also be split as needed. Though I still wonder if micro shards will be
>>>>>>>> worth the extra complications myself...
>>>>>>>> Right now though, the idea is that you should pick a good number of
>>>>>>>> partitions to start given your expected data ;) Adding more replicas is
>>>>>>>> trivial though.
>>>>>>>> - Mark
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 6:35 PM, Jamie Johnson <> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Another question, is there any support for repartitioning of the index
>>>>>>>>> if a new shard is added?  What is the recommended approach for
>>>>>>>>> handling this?  It seemed that the hashing algorithm (and probably
>>>>>>>>> any) would require the index to be repartitioned should a new shard be
>>>>>>>>> added.
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Jamie Johnson <> 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks I will try this first thing in the morning.
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Mark Miller <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 10:08 AM, Jamie Johnson <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am currently looking at the latest solrcloud branch and was
>>>>>>>>>>>> wondering if there was any documentation on configuring the
>>>>>>>>>>>> DistributedUpdateProcessor?  What specifically in solrconfig.xml 
>>>>>>>>>>>> needs
>>>>>>>>>>>> to be added/modified to make distributed indexing work?
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jaime - take a look at solrconfig-distrib-update.xml in
>>>>>>>>>>> solr/core/src/test-files
>>>>>>>>>>> You need to enable the update log, add an empty replication handler 
>>>>>>>>>>> def,
>>>>>>>>>>> and an update chain with solr.DistributedUpdateProcessFactory in it.
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> - Mark
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> - Mark
>>>>>> - Mark Miller
>>>> - Mark Miller
> - Mark Miller

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