
On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 13:57, Martijn v Groningen
<martijn.v.gronin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As as I know currently there isn't another way. Unfortunately the
> performance degrades badly when having a lot of unique groups.
> I think an issue should be opened to investigate how we can improve this...
> Question: Does Solr have a decent chuck of heap space (-Xmx)? Because
> grouping requires quite some heap space (also without
> group.ngroups=true).

Thanks, for answering. The Server has gotten as much memory as the
machine can afford (without swapping):
  -Xmx21g \
  -Xms4g \

Shall I open an issue as a subtask of SOLR-236 even though there is
already a performance related task (SOLR-2205)?


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