SQLs "like" is usually handled with ngrams if you want
*stuff* kinds of searches. Wildcards are "interesting"
in Solr.

Things Solr handles that aren't easy in SQL
Phrases, phrases with slop, stemming,
synonyms. And, especially, some kind
of relevance ranking.

But Solr does NOT do the things SQL is best at,
things like joins etc. Each has it's sweet spot
and trying to make one do all the functions of the
other is fraught with places to go wrong.

Not a lot of help, but free text searching is what Solr is
all about, so if your problem maps into that space,
it's a great tool!


On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Shashi Kant <sk...@sloan.mit.edu> wrote:
> for a simple, hackish (albeit inefficient) approach look up wildcard searchers
> e,g foo*, *bar
> On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Devon Baumgarten
> <dbaumgar...@nationalcorp.com> wrote:
>> I have been tinkering with Solr for a few weeks, and I am convinced that it 
>> could be very helpful in many of my upcoming projects. I am trying to decide 
>> whether Solr is appropriate for this one, and I haven't had luck looking for 
>> answers on Google.
>> I need to search a list of names of companies and individuals pretty 
>> exactly. T-SQL's LIKE operator does this with decent performance, but I have 
>> a feeling there is a way to configure Solr to do this better. I've tried 
>> using an edge N-gram tokenizer, but it feels like it might be more 
>> complicated than necessary. What would you suggest?
>> I know this sounds kind of 'Golden Hammer,' but there has been talk of 
>> other, more complicated (magic) searches that I don't think SQL Server can 
>> handle, since its tokens (as far as I know) can't be smaller than one word.
>> Thanks,
>> Devon Baumgarten

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