I had a similar problem for a similar task. And in my case merging the
results from two shards turned out to be a culprit. If you can logically
store your data just in one shard, your faceting should become faster. Size
wise it should not be a problem for SOLR.

Also, you didn't say anything about the facet.limit value, cache
parameters, usage of filter queries. Some of these can be interconnected.


On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Daniel Bruegge <
daniel.brue...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have 2 Solr-shards. One is filled with approx. 25mio documents (local
> index 6GB), the other with 10mio documents (2.7GB size).
> I am trying to create some kind of 'word cloud' to see the frequency of
> words for a *text_general *field.
> For this I am currently using a facet over this field and I am also
> restricting the documents by using some other filters in the query.
> The performance is really bad for the first call and then pretty fast for
> the following calls.
> The maximum Java heap size is 3G for each shard. Both shards are running on
> the same physical server which has 12G RAM.
> Question: Should I reduce the documents in one shard, so that the index is
> equal or less the Java Heap size for this shard? Or is
> there another method to avoid this slow calls?
> Thank you
> Daniel


Dmitry Kan

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