Hi Robert,

> Can you run Lucene's checkIndex tool on your index?

No, unfortunately not. This Solr should run without stoppage, an
tomcat-restart is ok, but not more:)
I tested newer trunk-versions a couple of months ago, but they fail
all with tomcat.
i would test 4.0-alpha in next days with tomcat and open an jira-issue
if it doesn't work with it.

> do you have another exception in your logs? To my knowledge, in all
> cases that IndexWriter throws an OutOfMemoryError, the original
> OutOfMemoryError is also rethrown (not just this IllegalStateException
> noting that at some point, it hit OOM.

Hmm, i checked older logs and found something new, what i have not
seen in VisualVM. "Java heap space"-Problems, just before OOM.
My JVM has 8GB -Xmx/-Xms, 16GB for OS, nothing else on this machine.
This Errors pop up's during normal run according logs, no optimizes,
high loads(max. 30 queries per minute) or something special at this time.

SCHWERWIEGEND: null:ClientAbortException:  java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe
SCHWERWIEGEND: null:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
SCHWERWIEGEND: auto commit error...:java.lang.IllegalStateException:
this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot commit
SCHWERWIEGEND: Error during auto-warming of
Java heap space
SCHWERWIEGEND: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Internal Server Error
SCHWERWIEGEND: null:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Internal Server Error

I knew this failures when i work on virtual machines with solr 1.4,
big indexes and ridiculous small -Xmx sizes.
But on real hardware, with enough RAM, fast disks/cpu's it's new for me:)

Best regards

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