Trie fields index "extra" information to aid in ranges etc. So if
you indexed your data as non-trie, then asked Solr to read them
as trie fields, it's bound to be unfortunate. Or if you changed the
precisionstep. Or.....

Your schema has to exactly reflect what your lucene program
did for indexing, and my guess is it doesn't...


On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Petra Lehrmann
<> wrote:
> Hello all!
> I already posted this question to Stackoverflow
> (
> but as is, either my question is too specific or just too trivial. I don't
> know. But maybe I'm just trying to put the cart before the horse.
> I have a C# Windows Forms application up and running. It uses the Lucene.Net
> Library with which I created a Lucen index (off of a Postgres-database).
> There are some articles which have more than one value, so I decided to take
> numeric fields into account and used them in my application as:
> |  var  valueField=  new  NumericField(internalname,  Field.Store.YES,
> true);
>  valueField.SetDoubleValue(value);
>  doc.Add(valueField);
> |
> |I can open my Lucene index in Luke and see all those nice fields I made, so
> there should be no problem with the index; plus: my application searches and
> displays the result sets of the lucene index quite fine.|
> ||
> So I thought about trying Solr and read that I could use the Lucene index at
> hand - I just had to edit the schema.xml file from Solr, which I did. For
> the numeric field variables of the Lucene index I read somewhere that I have
> to use TrieFields, so I updated my schema.xml as follows:
> |<fieldType name="tdouble"  class="solr.TrieDoubleField"  precisionStep="0"
> omitNorms="true"  positionIncrementGap="0"/>
> [...]
> <field name="LuminaireId"  type="string"  indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
> <field name="LampCount"  type="tdouble"  multiValued="true"  indexed="true"
> stored="true"  required="false"/>
> [...]
> |||
> For those fields, which use the numeric field I had the TrieDoubleField of
> Solr in mind and changed them. Firing up Solr on Tomcat and hitting it with
> a search query as "LampCount:1" returned all the right documents. But the
> xml-output always says:
> |<arr name="LampCount">
> <str>ERROR:SCHEMA-INDEX-MISMATCH,stringValue=1</str>
> </arr>
> |
> This could be the problem why my C# application is not running properly
> (using the solrnet library as the brigde between Solr instance and
> application) and always throws an ArgumentException when hitting my solrnet
> implementation with:
> |  var  results=  solr.Query("LampCount:1");
> |
> But first things first: I'm not sure why there is this Index-Mismatch and
> how to solve it -maybe I just didn't understand the explanation of
> TrieFields or the port from NumericFields?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
> Greetings from Germany,
> Petra
> ||||
> |
> |

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