whether phonetic filters can be multiterm aware:

I'd be leery of this, as I basically don't quite know how that would
behave. You'd have to insure that the  algorithms changed the
first parts of the words uniformly, regardless of what followed. I'm
pretty sure that _some_ phonetic algorithms do not follow this
pattern, i.e. eric wouldn't necessarily have the same beginning
as erickson. That said, some of the algorithms _may_ follow this
rule and might be OK candidates for being MultiTermAware....

But, you don't need this in order to try it out. See the "Expert Level
Schema Possibilities"

You can define your own analysis chain for wildcards as part of your <fieldType>
definition and include whatever you want, whether or not it's
MultiTermAware and it
will be applied at query time. Use the <analyzer type="query"> entry
as a basis. _But_ you shouldn't include anything in this section that
produces more than one output per input token. Note, "token", not
"field". I.e. a really bad candidate for this section is
if you use the admin/analysis page (which you'll get to know intimately) and
look at a type that has WordDelimiterFilterFactory in its chain and
put something
like erickErickson1234, you'll see what I mean.. Make sure and check the
"verbose" box....

If you can determine that some of the phonetic algorithms _should_ be
MultiTermAware, please feel free to raise a JIRA and we can discuss... I suspect
it'll be on a case-by-case basis.


On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Hågen Pihlstrøm Hasle
<haagenha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm quite new to Solr, I was recently asked to help out on a project where 
> the previous "Solr-person" quit quite suddenly.  I've noticed that some of 
> our searches don't return the expected result, and I'm hoping you guys can 
> help me out.
> We've indexed a lot of names, and would like to search for a person in our 
> system using these names.  We previously used Oracle Text for this, and we 
> experience that Solr is much faster.  So far so good! :)  But when we try to 
> use wildcards things start to to wrong.
> We're using Solr 3.4, and I see that some of our problems are solved in 3.6.  
> Ref SOLR-2438:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-2438
> But we would also like to be able to combine wildcards with fuzzy searches, 
> and wildcards with a phonetic filter.  I don't see anything about phonetic 
> filters in SOLR-2438 or SOLR-2921.  
> (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-2921)
> Is it possible to make the phonetic filters MultiTermAware?
> Regarding fuzzy queries, in Oracle Text I can search for "chr%" ("chr*" in 
> Solr..) and find both christian and kristian.  As far as I understand, this 
> is not possible in Solr, WildcardQuery and FuzzyQuery cannot be combined.  Is 
> this correct, or have I misunderstood anything?  Are there any workarounds or 
> filter-combinations I can use to achieve the same result?  I've seen people 
> suggest using a boolean query to combine the two, but I don't really see how 
> that would solve my "chr*"-problem.
> As I mentioned earlier I'm quite new to this, so I apologize if what I'm 
> asking about only shows my ignorance..
> Regards, Hågen

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