I used the admin/analysis page (great tip, I had never used it before - thank 
you!) and it seems to me that the DoubleMetaphone filter converts "Hågen" to 
both "JN" and "KN".  Will that crash the Solr analysis if I try to include this 
filter in the multiterm-analysis?

Do you know where I can find out more about combining wildcard and fuzzy in the 
same query?  When you say you don't think it is possible, do you mean it is not 
implemented in Solr today, or it can't be implemented because it is technically 
impossible or functionally doesn't make sense? :)  

I wrote in an answer to Otis that I'd like to try to combine fuzzy with Ngram 
as well.  Do you know if that is possible and makes any sense?

Thanks to everyone for quick and good answers, I really appreciate it!

Regards, Hågen

Den 8. okt. 2012 kl. 21:35 skrev Erick Erickson:

> To answer your first question, yes, you've got it right. If you define
> a multiterm section in your fieldType, whatever you put in that section
> gets applied whether the underlying class is MultiTermAware or not.
> Which means you can shoot yourself in the foot really bad <G>...
> (…)
> Fuzzy searches + wildcards. I don't think you can do that reasonably, but
> I'm not entirely sure.
> Best
> Erick

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