I have got a searcher server replicating index from master server. Recently
I have noticed the huge difference in the index size between master and
slave followed by LockObtainFailedException in catalin.out log. When I
debugged the searcher index folder, I could see more that 100 segement_N
files in it. After debugging I found the root cause to be mis-configured
 solrconfig.xml, I was using solr3.4 and it had <indexConfig> section
instead of main index and hence forth it was using simple file lock rather
than the configured native lock(
http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrConfigXml#indexConfig). Rectifying this
cofiguration corrected the error and subsequently replication was fine and
older segement files got deleted, finally synching the searcher core size
and indexer core size.

What I would like to understand here is:

   1. Why would it cause lock obtain time out with simple file lock ? (may
   be the defaul </writeLockTimeout> was too short).
   2. What would happen in case of this LockObtainFailedException while
   repliation, will it fail to replicate the docs ? However I have observed
   the searcher has equal numfound doc as indexer, which mean clients
   searching wouldn't face any documents missing.
   3. why did the index size bloat and older segment_N files were present?

thanks in advance !



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