Hi all,

As part of our business logic we query the Luke request handler to extract the 
fields in the index from our code using the following url:


This worked fine with Solr 3.5, but now with 3.6.1 this call never returns, it 
hangs, and there is no error message in the server logs. Has any one seen this, 
or has an idea of what may be causing this?

The Luke request handler is configured by default, we didn't change the 
configuration for this. If I go to solr/admin/stats.jsp, it is shown:

name: /admin/luke
class: org.apache.solr.handler.admin.LukeRequestHandler
version: $Revision: 1242152 $
description: Lucene Index Browser. Inspired and modeled after Luke: 
stats: handlerStart : 1353373022984
requests : 0
errors : 0
timeouts : 0
totalTime : 0
avgTimePerRequest : NaN
avgRequestsPerSecond : 0.0

We are running Apache Tomcat 6.0.35 with JDK 1.7.0_03, in case that rings a 
bell. The index has about

Alternatively, our requirement is to get the list of fields in the index, 
including dynamic fields – is there any other way to obtain this at runtime? It 
is an application that runs on a separate process from Solr, and may even run 
on a separate box, thus the Luke call.

Thank you for any help you can provide.


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