Thanks. It isn't necessarily the need to match 'dick' to 'robert' but to
search for:
'name surname'
name, surname'
'surname name'
'surname, name'

And nothing else, I don't need to worry about nick names or abbreviations
of a name, just the above variations. I think I might use text_ws.

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 9:39 PM, Uwe Reh <> wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> in our index ob bibliographic metadata, we see the need for at least tree
> fields:
> - name_facet: String as type, because the facet should should represent
> the original inverted format from our data.
> - name: TextField for searching. This field is heavily analyzed to match
> different orders, to match synonyms, phonetic similarity, German umlauts
> and other European stuff.
> - name_lc: TextField. This field is just mapped to lower case. It's used
> to boost docs with the same style of writing like the users input.
> Uwe
> Am 08.01.2013 15:30, schrieb Michael Jones:
>  Hi,
>> What would be the best fieldtype for a persons name? at the moment I'm
>> using text_general but, if I search for bob smith, some results I get back
>> might be rob thomas. In that it's matched 'ob'.
>> But I only really want results that are either
>> 'bob smith'
>> 'bob, smith'
>> 'smith, bob'
>> 'smith bob'
>> Thanks

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