On 1/10/13 10:09 AM, Shahar Davidson wrote:
search request, the system must be aware of all available cores in order to 
execute distributed search on_all_  relevant cores
For this purpose I would definitely recommend that you go "SolrCloud".

Further more we do something "ekstra":
We have several collections each containing data from a specific period in time - timestamp of ingoing data decides which collection it is indexed into. One important search-criteria for our clients are search on timestamp-interval. Therefore most searches can be restricted to only consider a subset of all our collections. Instead of having the logic calculating the subset of collections to search (given the timestamp search-interval) in clients, we just let clients do "dumb" searches by giving the timestamp-interval. The subset of collections to search are calculated on server-side from the timestamp-interval in the search-query. We handle this in a Solr SearchComponent which we place "early" in the chain of SearchComponents. Maybe you can get some inspiration by this approach, if it is also relevant for you.

Regards, Per Steffensen

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