On Jan 31, 2013, at 10:15 AM, Michael Della Bitta 
<michael.della.bi...@appinions.com> wrote:

> I'd really like some confirmation from the devs that there really is a
> blessed status for a given container that provides advantages over
> others.

IMO: jetty is what all of our unit/integration tests are run in, jetty is what 
we configure to work well out of the box and add workarounds to, jetty is what 
the devs run, jetty is very likely what most of the users run simply because we 
ship with it, most of the bug reports we get around containers involve jetty 
(because of the previous most likely).

I'd say jetty doesn't get anymore blessed than that. If you want to run another 
container, fine, but I would pick jetty myself - specifically, the one we ship 
with without darn good reason.

- Mark

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