This is apples and pomegranates. Lucene is a library, Solr is a server. In 
features, they are more alike than different.


On Feb 12, 2013, at 7:40 AM, JohnRodey wrote:

> I know that Solr web-enables a Lucene index, but I'm trying to figure out
> what other things Solr offers over Lucene.  On the Solr features list it
> says "Solr uses the Lucene search library and extends it!", but what exactly
> are the extensions from the list and what did Lucene give you?  Also if I
> have an index built through Solr is there a non-HTTP way to search that
> index?  Because solr4j essentially just makes HTTP requests correct?
> Some features Im particularly interested in are:
> Geospatial Search
> Highlighting
> Dynamic Fields
> Near Real-Time Indexing
> Multiple Search Indices 
> Thanks!

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