Hi Roman,

If you're looking for regression testing then 
https://github.com/sul-dlss/rspec-solr might be worth looking at. If you're not 
a ruby shop, doing something similar in another language shouldn't be to hard.

The basic idea is that you setup a set of tests like

"If the query is X, then the document with id Y should be in the first 10 
"If the query is S, then a document with title T should be the first result"
"If the query is P, then a document with author Q should not be in the first 10 

and that you run these whenever you tune your scoring formula to ensure that 
you haven't introduced unintended effects. New ideas/requirements for your 
relevance ranking should always result in writing new tests - that will 
probably fail until you tune your scoring formula. This is certainly no magic 
bullet, but it will give you some confidence that you didn't make things worse. 
And - in my humble opinion - it also gives you the benefit of discouraging you 
from tuning your scoring just for fun. To put it bluntly: if you cannot write 
up a requirement in form of a test, you probably have no need to tune your 



On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 23:03 , Roman Chyla wrote:

> Hi,
> I do realize this is a very broad question, but still I need to ask it.
> Suppose you make a change into the scoring formula. How do you
> test/know/see what impact it had? Any framework out there?
> It seems like people are writing their own tools to measure relevancy.
> Thanks for any pointers,
> roman 

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