Hi Sujatha,

If I understand correctly, you will have only 1 slave (and 1 master), so
that's not really a HA architecture.  You could manually turn master into
slave, but that's going to mean some down time...

Solr & ElasticSearch Support

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 3:05 AM, Sujatha Arun <suja.a...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are planning to set up *2* *High-Memory Quadruple Extra Large Instance
>  *as
> master and slave for our multicore solr setup  which has more than 200
> cores spread between a couple of webapps on a single JVM on *AWS*
> All indexing [via a queue will go to master ]  . One Slave  Server will
> replicate all the core level indexes from the master , slave Configurations
> are defined in the solr.xml  at the webapp level  with a different poll
> interval for each webapp.
> We are planning to LB the search requests by fronting the master and slave
> with an *AWS ELB *. The master configuration will not enable the slave
> properties as master is not replicating from any other machine. The master
> and slave have similar hardware configurations [*High-Memory Quadruple
> Extra Large Instance] .*This is mainly for HA if the slave goes down.
> *
> *
> Any issue with the above set up ,please advice.
> Regards,
> Sujatha
> *
> *

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