On 8 March 2013 14:19, Kobe J <kobe.free.wo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We are planning to use SOLR 4.1 for full text indexing. Following is the
> hardware configuration of the web server that we plan to install SOLR on:-
> *CPU*: 2 x Dual Core (4 cores)
> *R**AM:* 12GB
> *Storage*: 212GB
> *OS Version* – Windows 2008 R2

As with most things, the devil is in the details: What kind of
queries are you planning to run, and what search features
will you be using, e.g., faceting, sorting, highlighting, etc.
A desired query response time is meaningless without also
specifying the number of simultaneous users. Your best bet
is to set up a prototype, and benchmark your search.

Having said that, your proposed hardware seems more than
adequate for your needs:
1. If possible, use SSDs or fast disks
2. I would not use Windows as a server platform


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