
First of all should mention that I am new to Solr and making a research
about it. What I am trying to do that I will crawl some websites with Nutch
and then I will index them with Solr. (Nutch 2.1, Solr-SolrCloud 4.2 )

I wonder about something. I have a cloud of machines that crawls websites
and stores that documents. Then I send that documents into SolrCloud. Solr
indexes that documents and generates indexes and save them. I know that
from Information Retrieval theory: it *may* not be efficient to store
indexes at a NoSQL database (they are something like linked lists and if
you store them in such kind of database you *may* have a sparse
representation -by the way there may be some solutions for it. If you
explain them you are welcome.)

However Solr stores some documents too (i.e. highlights) So some of my
documents will be doubled somehow. If I consider that I will have many
documents, that dobuled documents may cause a problem for me. So is there
any way not storing that documents at Solr and pointing to them at
Hbase(where I save my crawled documents) or instead of pointing directly
storing them at Hbase (is it efficient or not)?

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