Well, to consume 120GB of RAM with a 120GB index, you would have to query
over every single GB of data.

If you only actually query over, say, 500MB of the 120GB data in your dev
environment, you would only use 500MB worth of RAM for caching. Not 120GB

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 7:55 AM, David Parks <davidpark...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Wow! That was the most pointed, concise discussion of hardware requirements
> I've seen to date, and it's fabulously helpful, thank you Shawn!  We
> currently have 2 servers that I can dedicate about 12GB of ram to Solr on
> (we're moving to these 2 servers now). I can upgrade further if it's needed
> & justified, and your discussion helps me justify that such an upgrade is
> the right thing to do.
> So... If I move to 3 servers with 50GB of RAM each, using 3 shards, I
> should
> be in the free and clear then right?  This seems reasonable and doable.
> In this more extreme example the failover properties of solr cloud become
> more clear. I couldn't possibly run a replica shard without doubling the
> memory, so really replication isn't reasonable until I have double the
> hardware, then the load balancing scheme makes perfect sense. With 3
> servers, 50GB of RAM and 120GB index I should just backup the index
> directory I think.
> My previous though to run replication just for failover would have actually
> resulted in LOWER performance because I would have halved the memory
> available to the master & replica. So the previous question is answered as
> well now.
> Question: if I had 1 server with 60GB of memory and 120GB index, would solr
> make full use of the 60GB of memory? Thus trimming disk access in half. Or
> is it an all-or-nothing thing?  In a dev environment, I didn't notice SOLR
> consuming the full 5GB of RAM assigned to it with a 120GB index.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shawn Heisey [mailto:s...@elyograg.org]
> Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 11:51 AM
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Re: SolrCloud loadbalancing, replication, and failover
> On 4/18/2013 8:12 PM, David Parks wrote:
> > I think I still don't understand something here.
> >
> > My concern right now is that query times are very slow for 120GB index
> > (14s on avg), I've seen a lot of disk activity when running queries.
> >
> > I'm hoping that distributing that query across 2 servers is going to
> > improve the query time, specifically I'm hoping that we can distribute
> > that disk activity because we don't have great disks on there (yet).
> >
> > So, with disk IO being a factor in mind, running the query on one box,
> vs.
> > across 2 *should* be a concern right?
> >
> > Admittedly, this is the first step in what will probably be many to
> > try to work our query times down from 14s to what I want to be around 1s.
> I went through my mailing list archive to see what all you've said about
> your setup.  One thing that I can't seem to find is a mention of how much
> total RAM is in each of your servers.  I apologize if it was actually there
> and I overlooked it.
> In one email thread, you wanted to know whether Solr is CPU-bound or
> IO-bound.  Solr is heavily reliant on the index on disk, and disk I/O is
> the
> slowest piece of the puzzle. The way to get good performance out of Solr is
> to have enough memory that you can take the disk mostly out of the equation
> by having the operating system cache the index in RAM.  If you don't have
> enough RAM for that, then Solr becomes IO-bound, and your CPUs will be busy
> in iowait, unable to do much real work.  If you DO have enough RAM to cache
> all (or most) of your index, then Solr will be CPU-bound.
> With 120GB of total index data on each server, you would want at least
> 128GB
> of RAM per server, assuming you are only giving 8-16GB of RAM to Solr, and
> that Solr is the only thing running on the machine.  If you have more
> servers and shards, you can reduce the per-server memory requirement
> because
> the amount of index data on each server would go down.  I am aware of the
> cost associated with this kind of requirement - each of my Solr servers has
> 64GB.
> If you are sharing the server with another program, then you want to have
> enough RAM available for Solr's heap, Solr's data, the other program's
> heap,
> and the other program's data.  Some programs (like
> MySQL) completely skip the OS disk cache and instead do that caching
> themselves with heap memory that's actually allocated to the program.
> If you're using a program like that, then you wouldn't need to count its
> data.
> Using SSDs for storage can speed things up dramatically and may reduce the
> total memory requirement to some degree, but even an SSD is slower than
> RAM.
> The transfer speed of RAM is faster, and from what I understand, the
> latency
> is at least an order of magnitude quicker - nanoseconds vs microseconds.
> In another thread, you asked about how Google gets such good response
> times.
> Although Google's software probably works differently than Solr/Lucene,
> when
> it comes right down to it, all search engines do similar jobs and have
> similar requirements.  I would imagine that Google gets incredible response
> time because they have incredible amounts of RAM at their disposal that
> keep
> the important bits of their index instantly available.  They have thousands
> of servers in each data center.  I once got a look at the extent of
> Google's
> hardware in one data center - it was HUGE.  I couldn't get in to examine
> things closely, they keep that stuff very locked down.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

*John Nielsen*

Enghaven 15
DK-7500 Holstebro

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