On 4/19/2013 3:48 AM, David Parks wrote:
> The Physical Memory is 90% utilized (21.18GB of 23.54GB). Solr has dark grey
> allocation of 602MB, and light grey of an additional 108MB, for a JVM total
> of 710MB allocated. If I understand correctly, Solr memory utilization is
> *not* for caching (unless I configured document caches or some of the other
> cache options in Solr, which don't seem to apply in this case, and I haven't
> altered from their defaults).

Right.  Solr does have caches, but they serve specific purposes.  The OS
is much better at general large-scale caching than Solr is.  Solr caches
get cleared (and possibly re-warmed) whenever you issue a commit on your
index that makes new documents visible.

> So assuming this box was dedicated to 1 solr instance/shard. What JVM heap
> should I set? Does that matter? 24GB JVM heap? Or keep it lower and ensure
> the OS cache has plenty of room to operate? (this is an Ubuntu 12.10 server
> instance).

The JVM heap to use is highly dependent on the nature of your queries,
the number of documents, the number of unique terms, etc.  The best
thing to do is try it out with a relatively large heap, see how much
memory actually gets used inside the JVM.  The jvisualvm and jconsole
tools will give you nice graphs of JVM memory usage.  The jstat program
will give you raw numbers on the commandline that you'll need to add to
get the full picture.  Due to the garbage collection model that Java
uses, what you'll see is a sawtooth pattern - memory usage goes up to
max heap, then garbage collection reduces it to the actual memory used.
 Generally speaking, you want to have more heap available than the "low"
point of that sawtooth pattern.  If that low point is around 3GB when
you are hitting your index hard with queries and updates, then you would
want to give Solr a heap of 4 to 6 GB.

> Would I be wise to just put the index on a RAM disk and guarantee
> performance?  Assuming I installed sufficient RAM?

A RAM disk is a very good way to guarantee performance - but RAM disks
are ephemeral.  Reboot or have an OS crash and it's gone, you'll have to
reindex.  Also remember that you actually need at *least* twice the size
of your index so that Solr (Lucene) has enough room to do merges, and
the worst-case scenario is *three* times the index size.  Merging
happens during normal indexing, not just when you optimize.  If you have
enough RAM for three times your index size and it takes less than an
hour or two to rebuild the index, then a RAM disk might be a viable way
to go.  I suspect that this won't work for you.


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