: I am trying to understand update request processor chains. Do they runs one
: by one when indexing a ducument? Can I identify multiple update request
: processor chains? Also what are that LogUpdateProcessorFactory and
: RunUpdateProcessorFactory?


"solrconfig.xml files can contain any number of UpdateRequestProcessorChains..."

"Once one or more update chains are defined, you may select one on the 
update request through the parameter update.chain"


" This keeps track of all commands that have passed through the chain and 
prints them on finish(). At the Debug (FINE) level, a message will be 
logged for each command prior to the next stage in the chain. "


"Executes the update commands using the underlying UpdateHandler. Allmost 
all processor chains should end with an instance of 
RunUpdateProcessorFactory unless the user is explicitly executing the 
update commands in an alternative custom UpdateRequestProcessorFactory"


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