Thanks for detailed answers.

2013/4/19 Chris Hostetter <>

> : I am trying to understand update request processor chains. Do they runs
> one
> : by one when indexing a ducument? Can I identify multiple update request
> : processor chains? Also what are that LogUpdateProcessorFactory and
> : RunUpdateProcessorFactory?
> "solrconfig.xml files can contain any number of
> UpdateRequestProcessorChains..."
> "Once one or more update chains are defined, you may select one on the
> update request through the parameter update.chain"
> " This keeps track of all commands that have passed through the chain and
> prints them on finish(). At the Debug (FINE) level, a message will be
> logged for each command prior to the next stage in the chain. "
> "Executes the update commands using the underlying UpdateHandler. Allmost
> all processor chains should end with an instance of
> RunUpdateProcessorFactory unless the user is explicitly executing the
> update commands in an alternative custom UpdateRequestProcessorFactory"
> -Hoss

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